holiday [halloween costume idea: the gold digger]
So Halloween is right around the corner and it is time to start getting your costume together. I wish I could take complete credit for this one, but alas, I can’t. A friend of mine came up with this Gold Digger fabulousness. However, I did dress myself up according to her instructions last year. And it was hilarious. In fact, I even won the office costume contest…not that that was incredibly hard to do considering I was one of about ten loon’s who chose to dress up… So no promises that you are going to win any costume contests (although it is possible), but definitely a promise that people are going to laugh at you. Including me. I’m already laughing.
Anyway, not only is this costume hilarious and, dare I say it, witty (get it: you are wearing gold and you have a shovel = gold digger!), the best part is that most of it can be found in your (or someone you know’s) closet. Once you put on all the gold you can find in your closet, all you need to locate are some gold tights (here or here) and you are in the money…literally.
Start digging, lady…